Welcome to the Five In Focus exhibition, where we proudly present the works of Taos High School Art and UNM-Taos (Dual Credit) Students Marielle Gomez, Eelatsoii Muskrat, Jamie Manchester-Jones, Alexandra Romero, and Lucy Schreiber. These talented artists embody the best of what the visual arts have to offer, showcasing excellence in technique and creativity.

Drawing from the imagination is the foundation of all great representational works of art. It requires a high degree of technical ability combined with intellectual capacity, and each of these youngartistshasproventhemselvestopossessthesequalities.Theyhavededicatedthemselves to exploring and mastering the elements of drawing, including artistic anatomy, portraiture, still life, fantasy art, and creature design.

This exhibition presents their triumphs in translating the world of creativity into a visuallanguage. Expressing one's ideas through drawing is the first step in manifesting concepts, thoughts,andinspirations.Theseartistshavesuccessfullybroughttolifesomethinguniqueand unseen before, showing that true creation comes from within.

Through their works, each artist expresses unique concepts in which visual art may relate to contemporary society. They have demonstrated how this lineage can be tastefully expressed in our current visual arts culture. Their works represent the culmination of their artistic endeavors, emerging from the depths of their imagination.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the world of these young artists and witness their journey throughtherealmsofmythandfantasy.Theirworksareatestamenttothepowerofimagination and creativity, and we are honored to present them to you.

I hope you enjoy the stunningly beautiful and expressive drawings created by these highly talented teens as much as I do.“True Art, inspired by nature, should aspire to be timeless and universal.”

— Michael Hensley"


It is the mission of the Taos High School Art Department to use art as a vehicle for positive change in the lives of today’s youth.

The Taos High School Art Department combines both art instruction and life skills education. Activities help the youth in our community come into a greater awareness of their intellectual being through self-expression and creative reasoning. Additionally, the participants are also encouraged to make healthy life choices for their futures while at the same time feeling a sense of community.

Many of the area’s youth come from disadvantaged situations due to a complex variety ofsocialandeconomicfactors.Thehighschoolartprogramstrivestofillavoidinyouth art education where there is a lack of access to quality art instruction and art studio opportunities.


The Taos High School Art Department aspires to foster the intellectual, creative and emotional development of youth through the love of art at all levels of age and ability.

Reflection,imagination,andtherealizationofpossibilitiesextendbeyondthestudioand are core elements in the success of this program. Activities reinforce the lifelong practices of persistence and self-discipline, critical thinking, courage and risk-taking.

Furthermore,itistheaimoftheTaosHighSchoolArtDepartmenttocreateandharbor an art environment that develops confident, technically skilled, creative artisans who have a lifelong passion and love for the arts.

Five in Focus

​The 9th Annual Celebrando ​Teen Art Showcase

​May 13, 2023, 1:00-4:00

Marielle Gomez . Eelatsoii Muskrat . Jamie Manchester-Jones . Alexandra Romero . Lucy Schreiber

The 9th Annual Celebrando Teen Art Showcase … a collaborative effort between the Taos Municipal School District and the Bareiss Gallery. This exhibition will feature middle school and high school student art from our artistic community. Students were inspired by the correlation of Art, Science, and Mathematics and how they relate to current society. It is in these underlying universal truths that the burgeoning artist builds their foundation. Students seek to master artistic elements in their quest to understand the intricacies of creativity. The artwork included in this exhibition represents each student's unique inquiry into the elements of art.

We are grateful to the Bareiss Gallery for hosting and featuring this student art exhibit. We hope you enjoy their creations!

Anything is Possible

​Taos Schools Elementary Art
​May 6, 2023, 1:00-4:00